I sold my eyeglasses after Femto Lasik Lux®!

13 July 2017

Giacomo Bersiga is 23. For him, Dr Pinelli has chosen a Femto Lasik Lux® treatment to eliminate his high myopia, associated with severe astigmatism.
Giacomo is a beekeeper and he loves nature, philosophy and rock music. He was born in Parma on the 11th of April 1994, and he has a younger brother. He regularly practices several sports and found wearing eyeglasses annoying and contact lenses uncomfortable, especially at the seaside. He was anxious to be able to enjoy nature without any kind of “eye prostheses”, how he called them, and he has achieved his objective. During an interview, three months after his non-surgical procedure, he said:My eyeglasses?  Sold them!”   > WATCH THE INTERVIEW