Dr. Roberto Pinelli performs a crosslinking treatment for keratoconus on Teleticino

25 March 2016
Tomorrow evening – Saturday 26 March 2016 at 20.25 – Dr. Roberto Pinelli will be on Teleticino. Within the “Pronto Dottore” format curated by Sara Bellini and Gianfranco De Santis, Dr. Pinelli will talk about keratoconus and the possible cure through transepithelial osmotic corneal cross-linking therapy, always during the transmission a patient will recount his experience at the SERI – Switzerland Eye Research Institute.
Keratoconus is a non-inflammatory condition of the cornea. An area of ​​the cornea after a progressive thinning undergoes a transformation: from the normal dome shape to a cone shape. Technically, keratoconus is an alteration of the cornea curvature that induces irregular astigmatism, often associated with myopia.
Dr. Roberto Pinelli at SERI Lugano devotes particular attention to the study of keratoconus and its non-invasive and repeatable treatment to avoid corneal transplantation. Transepithelial osmotic corneal cross-linking is a non-surgical procedure that allows to treat keratoconus by reinforcing the corneal structure and stopping the progression of loss of vision.
To know more:
Do not miss “Pronto Dottore” on air tomorrow night, Saturday 26 March 2016, on Teleticino at 20.25.
If you missed the broadcast on Saturday 19 March on the non-surgical treatment of presbyopia with photons, watch the video, clicca qui!